Many thanks for pointing me to the time when they made this move. This was only one of several shifts.
i wonder if someone is able to tell me the date and publication when those of the "great multitude" were first included with the "jehovah's witnesses".. i do not mean the "jonadab class", since to me they appear to be different to the "great multitude".
(i am open to correction on that but i will need precise references.).
Many thanks for pointing me to the time when they made this move. This was only one of several shifts.
okay so the number is literal but them coming out of israel is not?
what am i missing?
The 144,00 are sealed so that they are protected during calamities upon the earth. This shows where they are located.
i wonder if someone is able to tell me the date and publication when those of the "great multitude" were first included with the "jehovah's witnesses".. i do not mean the "jonadab class", since to me they appear to be different to the "great multitude".
(i am open to correction on that but i will need precise references.).
I wonder if someone is able to tell me the date and publication when those of the "Great Multitude" were first included with the "Jehovah's Witnesses".
I do not mean the "Jonadab class", since to me they appear to be different to the "Great Multitude". (I am open to correction on that but I will need precise references.)
Many thanks,
so i was laying on my bed and i saw on a box a little orange hard cover book.
the bible gods word or man's.
it has my name in it and the release date when i got it at a convention when i was 10 (1989).
Some time ago, I prepared a study on one chapter of that book. It includes an analysis of that book's structure.
lets look at their meanings.
the hebrew aleph is the same as our a but our a dose not have a symbol attached to it.
interestingly the aleph is silent.
I simply pointed out that the essence of your post reflected the well-known practice of Gematria in which mystical Jews located hidden meanings through assigning a numerical value to each of the 22 letters of their alphabet. The values are listed at various places on the web, such as at
Personally, I see this process to lie within the area of mysticism, such as practiced by Kabbalists. If you find mysticism interests you, that is your right. I thought it only proper to point out the nature of your position.
From a quick look at the www for Kabbalah, I found this to provide an objective account:
lets look at their meanings.
the hebrew aleph is the same as our a but our a dose not have a symbol attached to it.
interestingly the aleph is silent.
I therefore assume you are familiar with Jewish mysticism, including Kabbalah.
Another related aspect is Gematria. The Jews assigned a number to each of the 22 Hebrew letters, which means that every word has a numerical value. A number is thus a series of letters, regardless of their sequence. The Revelator makes reference to this when he speaks of the number of the name being 666 (or 616 according to some sources). The word G_d has a number but this sacred number is never mentioned.
Their is nothing new in the speculative mysticism you speak of, but it does hint at mysticism in Hebrew writings that is missed by the 21st century Western mind. I thus feel that your cartoon shows lack of respect.
joseph why a coat of many colors?this coat is to do with light for joseph.
it would be a reminder of a covenant given to mankind in the form of a rainbow and it would represent all the other covenants.
joseph was to bring gods light into the world and reveal many hidden secrets and become great in the kingdom.
There are different views about the Hebrew and its meaning. While "many colors" is a possible translation, it might also mean that the coat had sleeves. or that it had shading in one color.
Coats were typically a sheet of material with a hole; special coats had sleeves.
Possibly the point of the story is about the special relationship between Joseph and his dad, the nature of the coat being irrelevant.
i have quite rightly been asked to provide a summary for my study "the tower of sand".
at the same time i fixed a few typos.
adding the summary means that the study is now "version 2.0", available at:.
I have quite rightly been asked to provide a Summary for my Study "The Tower of sand". At the same time I fixed a few typos. Adding the Summary means that the Study is now "Version 2.0", available at:
The Summary is available as a separate document at:
my study on the pillars that create and support the existence of the governing body: "144,000", little flock, great crowd, and other sheep..
Thank you for your kind comments.
I learned a lot while preparing it.
my study on the pillars that create and support the existence of the governing body: "144,000", little flock, great crowd, and other sheep..
My Study on the pillars that create and support the existence of the Governing Body: "144,000", “Little Flock”, “Great Crowd”, and “Other Sheep”.